April is a hot autumn month in Onslow, with an average temperature varying between 26°C (80°F) and 35°C (95°F)
Expect it to get very hot outdoors and make sure you’re SunSmart whilst enjoying Eclipse activities in regional WA. Whilst sunscreen will be available for purchase at shops in the region, be prepared with your own supply; consider reef safe sunscreen when swimming, wear a hat and don’t forget to stay hydrated.
Check out the weather forecast for Onslow
Over the week, Main Roads’ expects road user numbers to be more than three times the average as visitors trek towards Exmouth for a view of the Eclipse. Traffic management is in place on major roads between Geraldton, Exmouth and Karratha to provide up-to-date information, improve safety and improve traffic efficiency for travellers. This includes variable message signs, reduced speeds, portable traffic signals and signs advising which sites can be accessed for temporary parking.
Be prepared, visit Main Roads’ Travel Map to plan your travel in the region before you head off.
When travelling in regional WA, be aware that there may be large stretches of road that have limited fuel stations and regional towns do not all have 24 hour fuel service. While extra supplies of fuel will be brought in and stored for the event period. There is likely to be a long wait at service stations so it is very important to plan ahead. You can plan your journey and the fuel stops along the way by using our essential services map here.
Water has always been a precious resource in regional WA and demand will be very high over the Total Solar Eclipse. To ensure there’s enough for everyone over the whole event period, we need to work together to save water.
Visit the Water Corporation for more.
In Onslow, a water fill station is located at Seaview Drive. A dump point is located on Cameron Ave. See the map below for location details.
Boat Ramps
Skippers should be aware of the on-water closures in place for the event to ensure safety. If travelling towards Exmouth note there will be an exclusion zone for motorised vessels at Exmouth Town Beach from 17 to 21 April and also at the Viewing Site on 20 April 2023.
Be patient at the boat ramp and be ready to launch when it’s your turn. Large numbers of craft will be launched and retrieved each day during the event.
Visitors to Onslow are encouraged to book and secure accommodation before travel – it’s booking up, but there are different accommodation options still available
There is no free camping in the regions – and illegal camping will not be permitted. Camping includes sleeping in, on or around a vehicle, tent, caravan or swag including at roadside parking and stop areas that do not display 24hr stopping signs. It is an offence to camp anywhere other than in a registered/designated camping location and this will be strictly enforced.
For more information, the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions has some good tips for campers.
The Shire of Ashburton is looking to set up an overflow campsite in Onslow. Stay tuned and visit the Shire’s website for more information on accommodation options in the region.
While the regions are always well-prepared for traditional peak tourist seasons, the Solar Eclipse will attract unprecedented numbers of visitors. The State Government has provided local capability funds to help local eateries and grocery stores expand their cold and dry storage capacity.
Visitors may want to bring some of their own food and water supplies. The weather will be hot and staying hydrated will be a priority.
Responsible use of alcohol
Locals and visitors alike are urged to serve and consume alcohol responsibly. There will be restrictions on the consumption of alcohol in key event areas, including the viewing site in Exmouth. More details will be provided in the weeks ahead. Please check the relevant websites and local signage for particular rules that apply in each area.
Thousands of extra visitors in the regions for the Solar Eclipse will produce significant extra waste and everyone is asked to play their part in minimising the amount of waste, and disposing of waste responsibly. With assistance from the WA Government Local shires have been working hard to ensure there is additional capacity in the waste management systems.
The natural marine and land environment throughout the region is exceptionally diverse, beautiful and precious. A range of measures are in place but we all have a duty to protect, care and conserve this pristine environment.
Please dispose of your rubbish wisely or store it responsibly to take it away with you. Visit the Keep Australia Beautiful website for more.
Essential services travel map: Click here
Health and Safety is everyone’s responsibility to ensure your wellbeing and the wellbeing of others please follow the advice. Visitors should remain health and safety conscious at all times.
In the event of an emergency call 000.
Only attend the ED in the event of an emergency
Onslow Police Station: 3 Second Avenue, Onslow
Onslow Pharmacy: 32 Second Avenue, Onslo
Emergency Contacts:
Call 000 for life threatening emergencies
Visit: emergency.wa.gov.au
Call: 13 DFES (13 3337)
FaceBook: @dfeswa
Twitter: @dfes_wa
Bureau of Meteorology
Weather Warnings 1300 659 210
Main Roads
Call: 138 138