More than 60 years’ space industry experience
Government investment means Western Australia is positioned to play a significant role in the growth of the global space economy.
The State has valuable geographical, technical, research and infrastructure advantages and capabilities. These are supported by a vibrant research and technology sector with significant space technology and data customers across mining, oil and gas, agriculture, defence, energy and maritime sectors.
Western Australia is in a strong position to develop the space industry further
The ultimate astro-tourism destination
Western Australia is home to some of the darkest night skies in the world, delivering the ultimate stargazing and astronomy destination.
A collaborative effort
The success of the Total Solar Eclipse experience – for the region, visitors and local communities – relies on a massive collaborative effort including State agencies, each of the local shires and the Federal Department of Defence.
It also relies on the goodwill and good preparation of local communities, businesses and everyone who visits the region for this spectacular phenomenon.
State Government
Local partners and stakeholders
Shire of Exmouth
Exmouth is the only town within the line of totality and, therefore, the main focus for visitors, events and activities. The Shire of Exmouth is the local coordinator within the town centre and provides a central location for the coordination of all stakeholders.
Shire of Ashburton
The Shire of Ashburton has identified the 2023 solar eclipse as a significant opportunity for continued Astrotourism possibilities within the region. Onslow, on the Pilbara coastline, lies on the edge of the path of totality for the 2023 event and will experience over 99% of the sun covered by the moon, making it an exciting location to experience the solar eclipse and a great vantage point from which to explore Western Australia’s northwest region.
Shire of Carnarvon
The Shire of Carnarvon is excited to be part of the 2023 Solar Eclipse and is looking forward to showcasing everything its community has to offer. As the largest service town in the Gascoyne, Carnarvon will play an important role in supporting visitors travelling north to the path of totality. The town of Coral Bay will experience a deep partial solar eclipse with over 99 per cent of the sun covered by the moon, with Carnarvon witnessing 97 per cent coverage. Carnarvon will host a week-long festival displaying our unique food experiences, live music with some of Australia’s most talented performers and unforgettable arts and cultural experiences.
Astrotourism WA
Astrotourism WA is on a mission to keep Western Australia’s night sky dark, working with 15 regional Local Governments to promote and protect WA’s dark night sky and the quality of stargazing across the regions. Together, they’re creating a stargazing trail through Western Australia to grow the local tourism industry and, at the same time, protect the night sky environment.
Australia’s Coral Coast
Australia’s Coral Coast is the regional tourism organisation responsible for marketing the Coral Coast including Ningaloo, where the Total Solar Eclipse will occur. Visit the website now to help plan your journey to the region and make the most of your eclipse adventure!
Baiyungu Aboriginal Corporation
The Baiyungu Aboriginal Corporation represents Baiyungu Yinnigurdira people of Nyinggulu who will meet visitors and locals when WilarraJirndal Bunimarri – moon and sun meet – to share our country and culture.
Find out more about the Jamba Nyinayi Festival – the invitation to ‘Sit for a Little While’ at Cardabia Station. The ownership of Cardabia Station was handed back to the Baiyungu people in 1998.
Cape Conservation Group Exmouth Incorporated
The Cape Conservation Group is Exmouth’s only non-profit community volunteer conservation group and ‘guardians’ of Ningaloo Reef and Exmouth Gulf. In planning for this celestial event, the Group have been strong advocates for high levels of care and stewardship for this exceptional World Heritage-listed area.
Coral Bay Progress Association
The Coral Bay Progress Association is a not-for-profit community organisation which aims to promote and be involved in the decision making and construction of facilities in Coral Bay, for the benefit of the local community whilst promoting proper conservation and management.
Exmouth Chamber of Commerce
The Exmouth Chamber of Commerce advocates for change on behalf of its members and it has been the voice for businesses for more than 23 years The Chamber champions the need for a sound policy to ensure its local community’s interests are kept top of mind through local, state and federal government.
Gravity Discovery Centre
The Gravity Discovery Centre & Observatory is providing support to the Ningaloo Eclipse project through expert technical and astronomical information, vital safety information videos on how to safely observe the Solar Eclipse, and by conducting a live broadcast of the Total Solar Eclipse event from Exmouth.
Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Advisory Committee
The Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Advisory Committee was established as a representative group in 2013 by an agreement between the Commonwealth and Western Australian governments. Membership covers a wide range of expertise and community interests relevant to the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area.
The Committee is supported by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions however is independent of the Department. The role of the Committee is to provide advice to the Commonwealth and State Ministers for Environment on the protection, conservation, presentation and management of the outstanding universal value of the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area.
Message from the Minister
The 2023 Solar Eclipse is an extraordinary and rare astronomical occurrence that represents a unique opportunity for Western Australia.
Tens of thousands of visitors are anticipated in the Gascoyne and Pilbara region to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime event.
Exmouth is the most accessible land destination in the world to experience the phenomenon that will take place alongside the wonders of the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Marine Park.
Other communities in the region, including Carnarvon, Coral Bay and Onslow will experience a near Total Solar Eclipse with Perth experiencing a partial eclipse.
This event will attract people from around the globe to the region injecting millions of dollars into tourism and boosting local jobs.
It also presents an opportunity to promote the State’s stargazing, astronomy and astrophotography offerings to the world.
This event will also help the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation activities to inspire young people’s interest and uptake of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths studies and careers.
The WA Government has been investing significant funding and liaising closely with stakeholders to collaboratively manage the planning and logistics for the 2023 Solar Eclipse, so visitors to Western Australia and the community can enjoy a safe, sustainable and successful event.
Hon. Roger Hugh Cook MLA BA; GradDipBus (PR); MBA
Deputy Premier; Minister for State Development, Jobs and Trade; Hydrogen Industry; Tourism; Science